Thursday, November 02, 2006

Blimey! Some Student in the states put up a website that generates out a boarding pass (publicising a well known flaw apparently) and gets visited by the FBI twice and has his apartment searched (found it via Schneier on Security)and computer equipment confiscated;
I came back today, to find the glass on the front door smashed.

Inside, is a rather ransacked home, a search warrant taped to my kitchen table, a total absence of computers - and various other important things. I have no idea what time they actually performed the search, but the warrant was approved at 2AM. I'm sincerely glad I wasn't in bed when they raided the house. That would have been even more scary.
Good use of police time is that one. Why couldn't they just ask him nicely to remove the site and get the root cause fixed i.e. proper airport security rather than terrorise some spotty university post-grad student. As we all know criminals and terrorists always like to publicise their little tricks in advance to the whole world! Like Duh!

Reminds me a little of a comment in one of the Michael Moore books (don't remember which one) regarding the amount of FBI time used in the prosecution of Clinton over a misplaced cigar. Whilst elsewhere there were people taking flying lessons but not interested in the take off or landing bits...


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