Wednesday, March 28, 2007

1 TB of data storage - MWAH-HA-HA-HA

On Monday the 1Tb harddisk arrived (finally). So I now have 1Tb of data storage. OK its only really 500Gb as I've used the RAID1 option. Thought it would probably be best that way 'cos I have so many photo's these days. Have now moved all the relevent data from the 160Gb network drive. Thus it is nearly ready to connect to my (also new) Airport Extreme. Lets see if network drives work better via its so called Instant drive sharing feature, because, lets face it, Mac OS X and network drives is a bit shite.

〈rant〉I mean why do I have to re-mount them everytime I bring the thing out of hibernation? Why do I have to fiddle in the preferences so they mount on logon? Why? Why? Why? Everything else about OS X is pretty damn fine. My work PC runs like a pile of shit compared, well I think it would run like that compared with most PCs but that is beside the point.〈/rant〉

And hopefully sometime today (if UPS get the correct address this time) the Apple TV will arrive and I can setup a souper media centre thing. Oh this is all so geeky.


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