Sunday, June 15, 2008

Millennium Bridge

Millennium Bridge
Originally uploaded by brockleyboyo.
A scan of the negative of a picture I shot for a course I was doing at Lambeth college (circa 2003) in B&W developing. Developed and printed is myself.

Pracktica BMS with 50mm lens.

Annie's Wedding

Originally uploaded by brockleyboyo.
... in Lichfield in May. A great time was had by all. Was a bit the worse for wear the next day, more pics at flickr.

Brixton Ritzy

Brixton Ritzy
Originally uploaded by brockleyboyo.
...a great cinema. Blockbusters and arthouse films all in the same place. Really, qquite miss a cinema that's about 5mins walk away. I now have to go to the mulitiplex in Peckham. Downer.