My day at work;
- Write a business case for having a desk (true!).
- Take laptop into support to get fixed.
- Get problem diagnosed as "you haven't had a rebuild for over a year." - what!!?!?!?
- Take about 40mins to logon due to network* issues and copy all the stuff I want to keep.
- Leave laptop with support - "it'll take about 4hrs mate"
- Have coffee with colleague and catch up on goss.
- Eat lunch somewhere else.
- Go to an exhibition at the NPG.
- Collect laptop.
- Install SP2 and sundry other updates - the image they use is v.v.old.
Sometimes I wonder if i've wondered into a Kafka novel.
* I can't even begin to go into the irony of this, considering I work for a telecom.
Labels: work