After many hours scouring the forest, even helped by the red arrows, we eventually came upon the cave, basically a 6m diameter hole in the forest floor. As we approached it a huge owl swooped out, hence the cave's name I suppose. So Nic set about rigging it, using a tree and some bolts, placed by the YSS the previous year. The descent was quite pleasant onto a rock bridge type thing in a largish chamber. Once down I set up my Camera to take some photo's and found a bear claw on a rock, nearby was a small pile of bones!
After a few photo's I packed up my stuff and followed onwards down a bit of a slightly muddy, crawly bit and out into a small cavern full of nice stals, flowstones, curtains etc. A fair few of the stals were broken, which we put down to earthquakes as they do occur in this region. As I had been volunteered to derig, I now had to wait for everyone to come down and then head out before I could start my work.
Once out I discovered that a once nice, sunny day had disintegrated into a major thunderstorm, and I was stuck in the forest with only Gary for company!! Altogether the lightning was quite nice the way it lit up the whole area, but Gary decided he knew the way to the minibus and we preceeded to have an argument in the forest, in the storm-how nice-NOT! Naturally I was right and we found the bus, with everyone else nice and snug, and DRY! Oh well.