In August '95 a group
of cavers from Kingston joined up with the Yorkshire Subterranean Society (YSS)
on a caving expedition to the Republic of Slovenia.
is a small country in Eastern Europe, nesled between Italy, Austria, Hungary and
Croatia. Though it used to be part of Yugoslavia, it was the first to sucede and
has been left alone by the war ever since.
The word karst
originates from this area, which probably has the highest concentration of caves
in the world, for it's size.Our
base-camp was located at the Speleo-camp in Laze, about an hours drive Southwest
of Ljubljana
Expedition members
Many thanks go
to Andy McCarron for organising the trip and asking us along. Also thanks to
Matt Light for his stirling effort as Co-organiser.
We would also like
to thank our benefactors for their interest and assistance with this project;
- The Rowan Bentall
- P & O Ferries
- MARS confectionary
The Caving
Most of the caves
described are located in and around the town of Laze, with our tourist trips
mostly conducted in the lower forest and most of the exploration in the upper.
Many of the caves can be found by following red arrows and numbered Omega symbols,
painted on scattered rocks and trees along the forest paths, quite handy really.
Map of Lower forest around
Just click on a cave
to get details.
37, 88, 100,
208, 224
Other caves include;
Gradinica, kocjanske
Jama, Postjonske Jama, Charlie
Cave, Planinska Jama and a bit of exploration.
All photos
(except kocjanske Jama and Proteus Anguinus) ©Copyright.
1995. M.Allen. All Rights Reserved.
References and Further
The Slovenian
cave server.
KUCC Slovenia '95 logbook.
kocjanske Jame, Tourist Guidebook (available at showcave).
The River of Seven Names, France ustercic.
A more recent
trip to Slovenia was undertaken by the
Keyhole Caving Club.
Info on YSS
and their previous trips.
Frank Facija
Laze 6B
61370 Logatec
France ustersic