On the exploration front most of the 'action' took place in the upper forest, with work being continued in Brecno and a fair few new discoveries. As the area to be covered was large and quite heavily wooded, the 'search' parties split up and walked in parallel 200m apart, with both ends being coordinated by walkie talkie. It was during one of these forays that Andy was followed by a bear (well that's what he says) for a considerable distance and was thus a little nervous that day. Barry also went missing and wondered into a village where he was befriended, fed and given a lift back to base camp.
The 3 of us set off to check out Painted Rock, found last thing the night before and search for more. After a 20ft entrance pitch, with a long deviation, the next pitch was found to lead nowhere. So we wondered around a bit and bumped into a local cutting down trees, who quite helpfully pointed us in the direction of a large hole. This one looked promising, a nice deep one! A 'volunteer' was found (me) and sent down. At the bottom of a 90ft pitch I found loads of junk, including a washing machine (this cave got named Zanussi hole) and a rift that streched onwards and most importantly, down. Unfortunately we had to head back as it was late and we were picking up some others.
Mark and Nic bottomed it the next day, after another 60-80ft pitch.
Martin AllenAfter many hours drilling Nic, Geric and Steve R broke through to another chamber, but got no further.