This was quite probably the best cave of the expedition. Ours was the third party from our group to do this cave and thus it was my last cave in Slovenia. So off we went with our wetsuits, cameras, video lights, and rubber dinghies, past the kiosk, which is only open on weekends and bank holidays, so naturally this was a weekday. Apparently the guide takes you a mere 200m in!
Just inside the cave entrance we came to a locked gate, which was easily climbed. We then proceeded gingerly across the wooden bridge, as we had heard about the bridges in this cave. After crossing it I wondered what all the fuss had been about. I was to find this out later. Just across this bridge there was a gorgeous view of the entrance, so we waited here for the others to cross. we then proceeded onwards into the cave.
The first few hundred metres was a nice easy stroll along paths and tunnels (allegedly made by prisoners of war in WWII) beside the underground River Rak. However it was not long before we came to the remains of a bridge and thus had to climd down and find a place to cross, on some rather wobbly stones.
Back on the path again we had to cross some particularly unsafe looking bridges (one at a time!) and cross the river at two points in Amanda's teeny boat (with Andy and Paul coming across the gumby way!). It was then onto the last, and most dodgy, bridge, which had a hole where a foot had quite obviously gone through! Once over this bridge it was time to inflate the boats.
Me and Matt bundled into 'big bertha' (Bob's boat) and rowed our way along the 2km of river passage, closely followed by Andy, Steve and Paul. On this part of the journey Two boats and one oar were lost, due to sharp flakes. Many Proteus could be seen in the water and the vid lights illuminated everything a treat.
Moored dinghies, just off from the sump, and after very short stoop, two easy climbs entered Paradise passage- very beautiful indeed , glittering calcite crystals embedded in flowstones, perfectly clear stals still in process of forming and musical calcite curtains. Go see and enjoy!
The trip back was uneventful, apart from Paul sinking his own boat, joining 'big bertha' and Andy and Steve hitching a ride on our convoy, while we argued about which direction to row.
Martin Allen with extracts from Amanda Murphy's account